Social Media Optimization
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Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization (SMO) is setting up a presence across the many popular social media website platforms, optimizing your profile, integrating social media into your website and implementing a plan to build your brand online using an effective strategy. SMO is crucial to both SEO and your overall marketing plan and allows for enhanced communication with your current customers as well as finding new ones.

Today, anyone who takes their online marketing seriously knows that Social Media Optimization is not an option anymore. As of 2011, close to a billion people have joined social networks, many spending a large majority of their time online on sites like Facebook and Twitter.

We help various types of businesses launch and manage successful SMO strategies and initiatives to generate new business while building their brands. We can help put together a social media plan and teach you how to execute it effectively with tools and resources to make it very easy and even fun.

Call us today for a free SEO and SMO consultation and quote at (315)876.9607, or click here now to send us an e-mail!

Design Has a Proven ROI

  • Great design matters. “Web usability guru Jakob Nielsen found in a 2008 study that ROI on a website that was redesigned to enhance usability averages more than 80 percent. Companies that have invested – minimally, as is often the case – in redesigns have been able to decrease support costs, increase order size and convert more prospects into customers.”
    Read more…

Success Stories

Upstate Resort – Mirbeau

  •  After designing & launching new site:
    •  Client reported 65% increase in
      online bookings
    •  30 day period compared to same 30
      days in previous year:

      •  20% increase in traffic
      •  30% increase in pageviews
      •  20% increase in time spent on

New Restaurant – The Evergreen

  •  Within 4 months of opening:
    •  Placed new site on first page of
      Google for over 15 highly-relevant
      keywords for bars/restaurants in
    •  Social media traffic increase month
      to month averaging ~60-75%

Landscaping Company – Landmasters

  •  In first 60 days of SEO work:
    •  Increased average rankings of
      keywords 61% across 3 major Search
    •  Increased overall site traffic 155%
    •  Increased pageviews 127%

International Manufacturer and
Distributor – HealthWay

  •  After design and launch of new, mobile-
    optimized site with blog:

    •  Improved average ranking for 22
      keywords for HealthWay 187% on
    •  49% increase in search engine traffic
    •  43% increase in direct traffic